السبت، 9 يونيو 2012

Part 2

As we know that, information systems make business easy and simple because it help the company to manage the data, make forecasts , and other activities that facilitate the company work.
“Information systems (IS): as one that’s collect, processes, store, analyze, and disseminates data and information for specific purpose”[1].
After we define what we mean by information system, we will talk in this part about the information system in FedEx Company, as we talked about the FedEx history, we know that this company is working in a global scale, and with this scale, the company sure have a lot of information to deal with it every day. FedEx company deal with three level of information system in the organization, the First level is the departmental level, and with this level, the company exchanges the information for the same branch with their employers avoiding the use of papers. The second level is inter- organizational level, and this level include a wide range of information exchange, they use this level to exchange the information between the branches inside the country, for example, if they have a customer want to ship products from Abu-Dhabi to Dubai, the branch of Abu-Dhabi communicate with the branch of Dubai using the second level of information system. And the third final level is the organizational level, and this level is the largest size of information exchange in the FedEx Company, because it connects all FedEx branches around the world together.
After we discuss the level of organization system in the FedEx Company, we will discuss now the information system they use, when I made discussion with the employee, he told me that “they use Dhabi system, and this system is not TPS, MIS, DSS or EIS”[2] .which is made by Abu-Dhabi custom. This system can store, analyze, forecast and other activities that help the user to do his work with high efficiency.
“the main objective of the system is that: Abu Dhabi registers all goods that come from the boards or going out, also this system can help a lot of people to calculate the fees, save time and downsize the amount of employee because all of it depends on information system[3]As we know , every information system consist of data , information and knowledge , and in this part I will take about this three elements in FedEx ,but before we talk about it, but we will first define each of them (data, information and knowledge).
On the topic that Information Technology For Management Efraim Turban and Linda Volonino (N/A , p.41) have stated “Data: Elementary description of things, events, activities, and transactions that are recorded, classified, and stored, but not organized to convey any specific meeting. Information: Data that has been organized so that they have meaning and value to the recipient. And Knowledge: information that has been organized and processed to convey understanding, experience and expertise as they apply to a current problem or activity”.[4] In the FedEx,” the type of data that they having is very simple, when you give the your shipment to the FedEx company, they will take details from the customers, like customer names, the receiver name, shipment destination, shipment weight... Etc..” [5]. And after they receive this data, “they re-organize all shipment in order on the shipment destination. With this process, they made their information “[6] and this is there type of information. After they finish from these processes, they finish from collects the data and information.
Next , their type of knowledge is simple “after the shipment reach to their destination , they save the information in their system , there divide their knowledge into two categories , first category is new information , in this category they put the information that doesn’t exceed the period of 6 months , and the second category is old information , and in this category they put the information that exceed the period of 6 months.” [7]

[1] Efraim Turban, Linda Volonino (N/A). Information Technology For Management. Asia: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. p41.
[2] N\A, 2012. Interview on collecting information about IS on FedEx, interviewed by Mahmoud Al-braiki, FedEx Co. 3 June 2012 9:30 am.
[4] Efraim Turban , Linda Volonino (N/A). Information Technology For Management. Asia: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. p41.
[5] N\A, 2012. Interview on collecting information about IS on FedEx, interviewed by Mahmoud Al-braiki, FedEx Co. 3 June 2012 9:30 am.
[6] N\A, 2012. Interview on collecting information about IS on FedEx, interviewed by Mahmoud Al-braiki, FedEx Co. 3 June 2012 9:30 am.
[7] Adapted from “N\A, 2012. Interview on collecting information about IS on FedEx, interviewed by Mahmoud Al-braiki, FedEx Co. 3 June 2012 9:30 am.”

written by Mahmoud Al-braiki

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